The Ultimate Comfort Soup

My heart went out to the tired young mama as she said, “We were all throwing up this past week and even tho we’re not throwing up anymore, no one has an appetite. We’re just so…blah!

I smiled, for I knew I had just the thing for her and her “blah” feeling family. This wasn’t the first time I had heard this story but, to begin with, that story started with my own family.

You know the BRAT diet, bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast for when you feel off on the tummy? Well, my family could handle the bananas, applesauce, and toast but, not the rice. Whenever I served rice after a stomach episode (in the “blah” stage) They hated it and didn’t want rice for a long time afterward. I really didn’t like it either but, that’s what you were supposed to eat, right?

One day I stumbled across this recipe called “Creamy Vegetable Soup”. I decided to try that out on my “blah” feeling family who hated rice. They loved it!

Chicken broth just has a way of soothing one from the top of the head way down to the toes and on the way down it’ll soak into the bones and into the very soul!

It is what I serve to other “blah” feeling families and even to some that are feeling well. They love the comfort that it brings.

Here is the recipe,

Creamy Vegetable Soup

2 cups chicken broth 2 Tbls. butter

3/4 cup carrots 1/4 cup flour

3/4 cup celery Salt & Pepper to taste

3/4 cup diced potatoes 2 cups milk

1/4 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup shredded cheese

Click here to order chicken soup bones. Or here for chicken feet.

Bring broth to a boil.

Add veggies.

Simmer until tender

Saute onions in butter.

Stir in flour and seasonings.

Gradually add milk.

Cook and stir until thickened.

Add vegetable mixture.

Add cheese and stir until melted.

May it bless you in body and soul-Louise

For instructions on how to make broth click here!